TEDxSapporo inauguration symposium

I was attending the TEDxSapporo inauguration event today, The 1st International symposium - gaze at Japan from the world ~after a year from the disaster~.


Very interesting presentations in English, even an international rakugo by a lady rakugo performer from Sapporo!!


Congratulations, Dilip BK Sunar, the founder and his team, for the good job and the initiative.


Time for Sapporo also to begin informing ideas to the world.  City of Sapporo declared herself to be "Ideas City" in March, 2006. Today's event can be the first step toward that direction.

Looking forward to the coming events of TEDxSapporo.


P.S.  This was my first attendance to a TED conference and we were informed today that there are no time to ask questions nor exchange ideas after the presentations according to the TED rules.  This is really disappointing since I firmly believe that interactive sessions would create more constructive ideas.